Monday, May 17, 2010
Saturday, March 21, 2009
PhD_转自Tairan Garden
PhD除了是"Philosophiæ Doctor"的简写之外,还有很多解释。
最有意思的一个解释应从学士(BS)-硕士(MS)-博士(PhD)这些学位说起:学士(BS): Bull Shit (牛屎一坨啊); 硕士(MS): More of the Same (更多的牛屎); 博士(PhD): Pile higher and Deeper (越积越多,牛屎一大堆!)
Please hire, Desperate: 读完博士,并不能找到更好的工作。若为了工资读博,只会越读越绝望。
Pizza hut Delivery: 找不到工作,只能去必胜客当披萨饼送货员了:-(
Probably heavily in Debt: 博士生收入很少,生活压力超大。
Pile higher and Deeper: 读博士要看大量的文献,文献越堆越高,越堆越深。Physiologically Deficient: 读博太过投入,如果不注意合理作息,正常饮食和身体锻炼。说不定身体烙下病根。
Permanent head Damage: 读博士不能死读,否则,轻则变成书呆子,重则走火入魔,永久性脑损伤可不是闹着玩的。
Pretty heavily Depressed: 读博士,发论文和按时毕业的压力很大,要平衡心态,否则抑郁会找上门的。
Probably headed for Divorce: 要是上面那些毛病全有,这个也说不准。上面这么多PhD的另类解释,估计大部分都是PhD们的自我解嘲。
小孩回答说,我知道,PhD代表People have dreams。
People have dreams。在成人以后,在生活中饱尝了艰辛,苦涩,失败,痛苦,彷徨,误解,无助,在历经煎熬与挣扎之后,还有多少人保有最初的梦想呢?
Monday, March 16, 2009
The main scholarships of interest are:
A. Australia Postgraduate Awards (APA)
Only Australian citizens, Australian permanent residents and New Zealand citizens are eligible to apply.
B. International Postgraduate Research Scholarship (IPRS)
The IPRS program funded by the Australian government enables international students to undertake a postgraduate research qualification in Australia and gain experience with leading Australian researchers.
C. Internal University scholarships and awards attached to Departments and Faculties.
There are usually many of these and students should check the websites of universities in which they are interested. Keep in mind that all such scholarships and awards are very competitive.
2. Under the government funded Research Training Scheme (RTS), Departments and Faculties normally have RTS funds to support research degree students. Because RTS covers tuition fees, Australian citizens, Australian permanent residents and New Zealand citizens need only apply for living allowance or stipend scholarships from the university of their choice. These are usually listed on the Office of Research website in each university (e.g.
3. For international students, the International Postgraduate Research Scholarship (IPRS) is of particular interest.
(1). The main objectives of the IPRS program are to:
• attract top quality international postgraduate students to areas of research strength
in Australian higher education providers; and
• support Australia's research effort
(2). These scholarships are open to international students of all countries (except New Zealand) and are available for a period of two years for a Masters by research degree or three years for a Doctorate by research degree.
(3) The IPRS scholarship covers tuition fees and health cover costs for scholarship holders, and health cover costs for their dependants.
(4). The government allocation of IPRS grants to participating universities is based on a formula that is reflective of their overall research performance. That is, the more research that is done in a university, the more money it will have to offer as RTS places and IPRS scholarships.
(5). Applications for a scholarship need to be made directly to a participating university. Universities are responsible for determining the selection process by which scholarships are allocated to applicants. The process is very competitive. Students must be already accepted into a program before they can receive an IPRS.
(6). Normally, applicants for research degree scholarships must hold, or expect to hold, a bachelors degree with first class honours from an Australian or overseas tertiary institution or qualifications/research experience deemed equivalent by the university.
(7). IPRS cholarships are allocated by university committees with names like “Scholarship Selection Committee”. They are offered on merit and research potential. Scholarships are only offered to applicants proposing to undertake a PhD, Professional Doctorate or Masters by research.
(8). In the case of IPRS applicants, they must also meet international student visa requirements as specified by the Commonwealth Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC), including the requirement to purchase and maintain a standard Overseas Student Health Cover policy approved by the Commonwealth Government
(9). Students are strongly encouraged to contact a prospective supervisor, before lodging an application, to discuss the proposed research topic and related matters. This means preparing a research proposal for discussion with a supervisor even if it is short and not yet in a final form. It is important because Faculties and Departments do not usually submit an applicant’s name to the Scholarship Selection Committee unless the Faculty or Department supports the application.
(10). There are closing dates for scholarship applications and most scholarships must be taken up within a certain time-frame. Most universities will require an application from an international student in the preceding year (e.g. 31 August). This is also true for other research degree applications where there is a financial support system.
第三就是一些学校自己的奖,比如monash有个mgs(monash graduate scholarship),这个只能申请该学校的时候才能申请,申请到后理论上可以到该学校任何一个系任何一个导师。但一样的实际上,一个学校适合你的导师只怕也就一两个。
第四就是系里的奖,department scholarship,这个可能数额是少一点。
我们说全奖,包括tuition fee和living fee,也就是学费全免,还发你生活费。我记得07年那时候,生活费一年是一万九澳,08年两万出头了。每年会小涨那么一点点,比国内多那么一点点人情味。
Sunday, March 15, 2009
澳洲留学DIY & 博士奖学金申请 & 写申请材料相关问题集
1 好多人+我后,一上来就会没头没脑的问,“我想申请澳洲的博士/硕士/奖学金,你说我能申请到么?”,一开始我还以为是个别,后来实在被问的烦了,都难得回答了。对于这个问题。我都不知道你是who,我怎么知道你能不能申请到,再说了,我又不是学校里管发奖学金的,我能打包票说你能申请到么。这种同学就是懒得先自己去了解下基本信息,还是建议他们找个中介花点钱吧。
2 于是就有了第二个问题“你说我是diy还是找中介?”如果有钱怕麻烦的就去找中介吧。不过说实话,diy一开始摸不着头脑,等你了解了其实很简单,等你搞定后会觉得还是比较锻炼人的。还有,申请博士中介一般没干过,也懒得接。申请奖学金就更不用说了,所以我听到好多中介说,咱中国学生申请不到奖学金,别费力气。其实是因为他们自己不会或者不想做这种麻烦的case,还是建议你自己diy吧。毕竟每个人专业科研背景不一样,而且还要和导师交流。